aciotarài , vrb Synonyms e antonyms aciotai, afrustai, irbrunchiare, passillai Etymon srd. Translations French fouetter English to lash Spanish azotar Italian frustare German peitschen.

afrustài , vrb: frustai* Definition aciotare peri is orrugas púbblicas is malafatores Synonyms e antonyms aciotai, aciotarai, afrustatzare, irbrunchiare, passillai Translations French fouetter English to lash Spanish azotar Italian frustare German peitschen.

passillài , vrb Definition pigare a cropos, atripare a passillu Synonyms e antonyms aciotai, aciotarai, afrustai, irbrunchiare Sentences bai a passillai… chi ti passillit s'arràbbiu! ◊ anchi dhu passillit sa giustítzia! Etymon srd. Translations French fouetter English to whip Spanish fustigar, azotar Italian frustare German peitschen.

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