afrochedhàre , vrb: afrochillai, afrochillare Definition pònnere frocos, fàere bella una cosa ponendhodhi frocos, fetas Synonyms e antonyms aflochitai, frochillare, imbitai, infiochitare Sentences su tempus ti at afrochillau de scabudu! (D.Erriu) Etymon srd. Translations French enrubanner English to beribbon Spanish adornar con lazos Italian infiocchettare German mit Schleifchen schmücken.

alamaràre , vrb Definition pònnere o fàere alamaros, pònnere o aciúngere ccn. cosa po bellesa / a. su pane = pintai, picai su pani Synonyms e antonyms bordai, obrare, orizare 2. alamarendhe milli pensamentos apo intramadu litos de suore (L.Mudadu)◊ sunt fozas alamaradas a perlas de lughe ◊ sa fatzada de sa chéxia est alamarada cun colunnas Etymon srd. Translations French orner English to adorn Spanish ornar Italian ornare German schmücken.

arrepicài 2, arrepicàre , vrb rfl: repicare Definition su si pònnere bene de bestimentu, cuncordare cun arrepicus Synonyms e antonyms allaputzai, impompitare Sentences ma càstia comenti si arrepicat custa bècia! ◊ est totu bèni arrepicau, oi Etymon spn. repicarse Translations French se pomponner English to wear frills, to dress elegantly Spanish acicalarse Italian ornarsi di frónzoli, vestire con eleganza German sich mit Flitterwerk schmücken, sich mit Eleganz kleiden.

arromalletài , vrb Definition pònnere romaglietes, frores e cambos po bellesa Synonyms e antonyms aflorigiai, florèssiri, infiorizare Etymon srd. Translations French orner English to deck with flowers Spanish poner ramilletes, flores Italian infiorare German mit Blumen schmücken.

decorài, decoràre , vrb Definition fàere síngias, pinturas, figuras, o fintzes pònnere cosa po bellesa Translations French décorer English to decorate Spanish decorar Italian decorare German verzieren, schmücken, dekorieren.

imperelàre , vrb: imperlai, imprellare, imprelleare Definition pònnere is prellas po bellesa o istídhigos lughentes che prellas Sentences ealla sa grina imprelleada de lentore a prima lughe! ◊ s'erva est imperelada de bidhia Etymon srd. Translations French orner de perles English to bead Spanish adornar con perlas Italian imperlare German mit Perlen schmücken.

impubusàre , avb: impupusare Synonyms e antonyms impinnaciai Sentences su carrotzinu fit cun bàtoro cadhos niedhos impubusados Translations French panacher, empanacher English to decorate with plumes Spanish adornar con penachos Italian impennacchiare German mit einem Federbusch schmücken.

infiochitàre , vrb: inflochitai, infrochetari, infrochitai Definition pònnere frocos, fàere bella una cosa ponendhodhi frocos Synonyms e antonyms aflochitai, afrochedhare Translations French enrubanner English to tassel Spanish adornar con lazos Italian infioccare German mit Bändern schmücken.

infloríre, infloríri , vrb: infrorí, infroriri Definition nau de is matas, bogare o fàere su frore; pònnere frores po bellesa, fàere bella una cosa coment'e ponendhodhi frores Synonyms e antonyms fiorire / aflorigiai, infiorare, florèssiri Sentences cussu at a benni candu infrorit sa figu ◊ est circhendi in sa tenta messada umbras de babaoi infroriu ◊ is campuras funt infrorendi ◊ ocannu sa castàngia, candu s'arritzoni fiat crescendu, at torrau a infrorí 2. su mutetu ti dh'infrorit ma bèni, lah! Etymon srd. Translations French fleurir, orner (fig.) English to decorate with flowers, to bloom Spanish florecer, florear Italian fiorire, infiorare German blühen, mit Blumen schmücken.

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