diosàre , vrb Definition fàere onore a ccn., agiummai fàere adoramentu Sentences no benint a diosare sa mama morta Translations French honorer English to honour Spanish honrar Italian onorare German ehren.

onorài , vrb: onorare, unorare Definition fàere o giare onore Synonyms e antonyms ondrai | ctr. innorare, spranorai Sentences sentza ischériu perunu, parente, amigu e fizolu, antzianu o de brassolu l'onoramis de assentu ◊ onora a babbu tuo e a mamma tua! ◊ a mamma mia comenti a is altras dh’onorat su cuadru antigu e modernu puru! (Frigau) Translations French honorer English to honour Spanish honrar Italian onorare German ehren.

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