arguíre aggruíre

arguíre 1 , vrb: arguiri Definition batallai, cuntrastare, foedhare; giare una briga, nàrrere cosa coment’e a briga, a murrúngiu Synonyms e antonyms chiltionare / argumentare, atremenae, brigare, stronciai Etymon itl. Translations French arguer, réprimander English to deduce, to scold Spanish argüir, regañar Italian arguire, redarguire German tadeln, vorwerfen.

arguíre 2 , vrb Definition cumprèndhere po comente si podet bíere o ischire calecuna cosa de unu fatu o chisione Sentences no arguint chi as bisonzu de azudu, narant solu chi ses in mala fada (G.A.Mura).

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