balivigàre , vrb Definition campare male, de ispedientes Synonyms e antonyms campitzare, campugiai, campurigiai Sentences babbu e fizu fint duos ladros de professione, balivigaiant cun abbilidade ma che finesint in prejone Translations French vivre d'expédients English to live on one's wit Spanish vivir a duras penas Italian vìvere a stènto, di espediènti German darben.

marigonàre , vrb Definition sufrire, peleare, passare sa vida trummentandho, tropu a sacrifíciu, trebballandho a tropu Synonyms e antonyms matanare, peleai, penoriare, tribbulai, trumentai | ctr. gosai Sentences pro issu marigono cun s'impreu Etymon srd. Translations French peiner, souffrir English to have trouble Spanish atormentar, atribular Italian tribolare German fristen, plagen, darben.

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