cóghinu , nm Definition dispraxere serrau chi faet andhandho e creschendho Etymon srd. Translations French grand chagrin, grosse peine English inexplicable increasing sorrow of the soul Spanish pesar Italian dispiacére inspiegàbile che va in crescendo German unerklärbarer wachsender Gram.

scoraméntu , nm: iscoramentu* Definition su scorai; dispraxere e isarcu mannu Synonyms e antonyms abbatimentu, acoradura, afrigimentu, pesari, triltura / isalcu Sentences candu at biu ca su tretu de fai fiat mannu meda ndi dhi fiat bénniu unu scoramentu mannu, dhi pariat ca no nci dha podiat fai ◊ candu si bit ca fintzas chini est capassu no fait su chi podit si aberrit sa bia de su scoramentu Translations French affliction English grief Spanish aflicción, postración Italian accoraménto, abbattiménto German Niedergeschlagenheit, Gram, Schwermut.

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