fincài, fincàre , vrb: frincare Definition lassare, giare o pònnere dinare o àteru po calecuna ispesa, fintzes po unu tanti de dinare etotu de ndhe bogare in prus (agéntzia o créciu) Synonyms e antonyms finantziare Etymon ctl., spn. fincar Translations French investir, hypothéquer English to invest, to mortgage Spanish invertir, hipotecar Italian investire, ipotecare German investieren, anlegen, mit einer Hypothek belasten.

imprendài , vrb: imprendhare, imprennare Definition giare in prendha, impromítere o giare calecuna cosa po ndhe garantire o assegurare calecun'àtera Synonyms e antonyms impegnai Sentences no as a crere chi m'imprendho sa domo pro comporare bestires bellos a tie?! ◊ aia chérfidu imprendhare a sos versos sas boghes piús beras atogadas in sa zente (C.Puddu)◊ deo ti apo imprendhadu su coro Etymon ctl. emprendar Translations French donner en gage English to pawn (stg.) Spanish dejar en prenda Italian dare in pégno, ipotecare German etw. jdm. als Pfand geben.

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