allochiài , vrb Definition cufúndhere, no cumprèndhere prus nudha, fàere a macu, a locu Synonyms e antonyms allocai, atontai, incadumai, ispantai, istontoleare 2. dhoi at genti meda allochiada de sa droga ◊ abarràt allochiau a buca oberta e a ogus isprapaluciaus ◊ cussu est allochiau che unu sitzigorru! Translations French abêtir English to make dizzy Spanish alelar Italian rimbecillire German dumm machen, verdummen.

ammannunnàre , vrb Definition fàere a mannunnu, balossu, iscimpru, mannu debbadas Synonyms e antonyms abballalloare, addrollare, addrollire, adhodhoare, ammacarronae Etymon srd. Translations French abêtir English to confuse Spanish alelar Italian rimbecillire German verdummen.

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