tzantaréssu , nm Definition iscutulada, cropu (de isciàbbula) chi si giaet cun sa lama de ciatu Etymon spn. Translations French coup du plat de l'epée English blow with the flat of the sword Spanish cimbronazo, cintarazo Italian piattonata German Schlag mit der flachen Klinge.

tzerpulía , nf Definition dónnia e css. bobboi o animale chi faet male, noghet o àteru deasi Synonyms e antonyms arresia, babballoti, babbaúciu, babbaudhu, babboi, errebiu, incerpiu, terpusu, titupiu Sentences mori, cane furuncu e traitore: restas pro pastos a sa tzerpulia ca no ses dignu d'esser sepellidu suta sas terras de su sardu lidu (S.Lay Deidda) Translations French bestioles nuisibles English every kind of pests Spanish bichos molestos Italian insètti ed animaletti nocivi, di ogni gènere German Ungeziefer.

vavàtza , nf Definition sa bandha de aintru de is còscias Scientific Terminology crn Translations French partie intérieure de la cuisse English inside face of the thigh Spanish entrepierna Italian fàccia interna della còscia German Innenseite des Oberschenkels.

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