cantaredhài, cantaredhàre , vrb Definition istare a su canta canta, cantandho fatuvatu Synonyms e antonyms cantae, cantutzare, iscantaritzare, muidonare Sentences si at a intendi su cantaredhai tuu fitianu peri is badhis (S.Chiappori)◊ compare est sèmpere cantaredhandho ◊ est bufendu e cantaredhendu Translations French chantonner, fredonner English to croon Spanish tararear Italian canterellare German trällern.

cantutzàre , vrb Definition istare a murmutu, cantandho, fintzes cantare male, cun pagu imprastu Synonyms e antonyms cantae, cantaredhai, cantighinare, muidonare Sentences istat tota die cantutzendhe, triballendhe e faghindhe ◊ cantutzendhe cantutzendhe, pista pista e dibbiddabba, mih sa die agabb'agabba! (F.Sechi) Etymon srd. Translations French chantonner, fredonner English to croon Spanish canturrear, taratear Italian canticchiare German trällern.

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